Monday, August 3, 2009

How does a tiger brush his teeth?

We have an awesome little project at school that I've been scheming and planning for kind of slowly. It's an artist book and we have free reign over everything, pretty much. I want my book to be a fun and playful exploration of images, type and colour, and I want it to be chock-full of animals of course!

So here's a peak at one of the pages I've finished today. How DOES a tiger brush his teeth? I'm not really sure but it seemed something interesting enough to make into a cute picture.

And here's a close up of the tiger. I'm quite proud of him! Rawr!


  1. Found your work recently on an inspiration fact finding mission link trawl and i LOVE it.
    Fantastic fact very inspirational which was the original brief!

    Looking forward to more!

  2. thank you Douglas!

    Bookmarked your blog as well, your work is really awesome! :)
