Saturday, October 31, 2009


I've had a bit of a frustrating day today, and I think the lesson learned is to remember the number 1 reason why we draw and paint in the first place: for ourselves. I have a painting that is stumping me at the moment and for a good chunk of the day I've been pouring over other artist's work searching for inspiration and guidance. And as I kept returning to the drawing board all I had was feelings of inadequacy and self doubt.

Even though I'm working on my portfolio, finishing up my schoolwork and determined to get somewhat close to having an 'industry standard' level of work, I often forget why I do it at all. Because I love it, I enjoy it and it's my identity. It's a part of me.

All you can do in times like these is work through it and keep drawing. I sketched up a few beasties in Photoshop and decided I liked them enough to post them!


  1. That's how I feel about writing.
    Nice beasties, you've got talent. Don't ever let that nagging voice inside you make you feel otherwise, because it's lying. :)

  2. Hey Story Weaver, thanks for your comment :)

    I think all kinds of creative people would have to deal with this stuff at some point in their careers. It's all too easy to get caught up in studying and trying to get better, and then stress out about it.
