Saturday, October 3, 2009

Painting in progress! Oh yeah!

I am painting! Just enjoying my last day off until I have to sit down and churn stuff out for the final month of my schooling. Here's a photo of my 'studio', or, erm, workspace I guess. My brother is off taking over the world starting with England so I am borrowing his room for my own fiendish purposes.

It's very cramped up as you can see and it's not the most comfy place to work but it's okay. I'm right handed so I have to be careful not to drip water all over my paintings while I work. Silly me!

While I'm messing around with the camera I figured I'd take some progress shots of my new painting. It's a commission! Here's the first bit.

I start with the background and just block everything in. This is about A3 size on watercolour paper, painting with gouache, by the way. It's yumtacular!

Next bit. The moon is looking a little funny so I will have to fix that at some point. But I can't get too caught up in little details just yet, so I must move on!

And here it is as it is now, with most of the background blocked in and a little bit textured.

I'll keep updating with new photos as I go along. So far, this is about 3 hours of work. The next step is to finish all the drybrushing in the sky, mountains and ground. Then I will fill in the foreground, and start filling in the colours of the characters. Details are added at the very very very end.

Anyway, I hope this is somewhat helpful somehow.

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